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PHP Drug Treatment Programs: What to Expect

The 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that 43.7 million Americans, ages 12 and up, needed treatment for substance abuse in the past year. Of that number, the vast majority (96.8%) felt they didn’t need treatment, and only 1.1% thought they needed treatment and tried to get it. Unfortunately, only about 6% of people with substance abuse disorder (SUD) will receive treatment. 


There is good news, however. A joint study published by the CDC and the National Institute on Drug Abuse  (NIDA) in 2020 found three out of four people who experience addiction do eventually recover.


For most, treatment is needed to achieve recovery. Entering a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for drug treatment is a significant step in that process. Designed to provide intensive care while allowing participants to return home at night, PHPs offer a structured environment crucial for overcoming substance abuse. 


What Is a PHP Program


A PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) rehab program is a structured treatment program designed to provide intensive support and therapy for individuals struggling with substance abuse or addiction issues. It typically involves daily treatment sessions, including therapy, counseling, educational sessions, and support groups, while allowing patients to return home or to a sober living environment at the end of the day.


PHP rehab programs offer a higher level of care than traditional outpatient programs. These programs are often recommended for individuals who do not require 24-hour supervision but still need intensive support to address their addiction issues.


PHP Drug Treatment Program Structure


PHPs typically run for several hours daily, often five days a week, mimicking a full-time job schedule. Structured activities include individual counseling, group therapy sessions, educational workshops, and recreational activities. Participants return home in the evenings, providing opportunities to practice newly acquired skills in real-life settings.


PHPs are staffed with multidisciplinary teams comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, nurses, and social workers. Medical professionals conduct thorough assessments to develop personalized treatment plans addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction. Medication management is provided for individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders or requiring assistance with withdrawal symptoms.


Types of Counseling Offered


PHPs provide a range of therapy options. One-on-one sessions are conducted with a therapist to explore personal triggers, underlying issues, and coping strategies. Group therapy is another option that provides residents a chance to interact with their peers facing similar challenges. This type of counseling encourages participants to foster empathy, provide support, and focus on accountability.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used approach that identifies and modifies negative thought patterns and behaviors. Another option, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), emphasizes mindfulness, emotional regulation, and interpersonal skills development.


Finally, family therapy involves family members in the treatment process to address family dynamics, communication patterns, and support systems.


Life Skills Training


PHPs often offer practical workshops covering stress management, relapse prevention, communication skills, and vocational rehabilitation. Learning to navigate everyday challenges without resorting to substance use is a crucial aspect of long-term recovery.


PHPs may incorporate holistic therapies like yoga, meditation, art therapy, and mindfulness to promote well-being and reduce stress. Nutrition education and physical fitness activities contribute to physical health restoration and mood stabilization.


Aftercare Planning


Comprehensive aftercare planning is essential as PHPs transition between inpatient and outpatient care. Discharge plans may include referrals to outpatient therapy, support groups, sober living arrangements, and community resources. Continuing care options aim to sustain progress and prevent relapse in the post-treatment phase.


Entering a PHP drug treatment program represents a proactive step towards reclaiming control over one’s life and achieving lasting sobriety. By immersing oneself in a supportive environment conducive to healing and growth, individuals can address the multifaceted challenges of addiction while acquiring essential skills for maintaining recovery. 


Understanding Relapse


Experiencing a relapse during drug treatment can be incredibly challenging. Still, it’s important to remember that it’s not uncommon and doesn’t mean failure. Recovery is often a journey with ups and downs, and setbacks like relapses can happen for various reasons. If someone experiences relapse, they should remember that recovery is a process, and these tips can help them:

  •     Understand triggers: Reflect on what triggered the relapse, such as stress, specific environments, social situations, or emotional issues. Identifying triggers can help to avoid them in the future or develop coping strategies to manage them better.
  •     Seek support: Whether it’s to friends, family, a sponsor, or a therapist, talking about what happened can provide emotional support and perspective.
  •     Reevaluate the treatment plan: Discuss the relapse with a treatment provider. They can help assess whether any adjustments to the treatment plan are necessary, such as changes in therapy techniques, medication, or support group involvement.
  •     Practice self-compassion: Be kind and recognize that recovery is a process. A relapse doesn’t erase the progress made or define the sober journey. Use it as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger in recovery.
  •     Stay committed: Remember the reasons for seeking treatment. Stay committed to the recovery journey, even if setbacks occur.

Here at Turning Point Recovery Network, we emphasize a 12-step recovery program, a balanced lifestyle, and accountability. Located in Dallas, Texas, our framework provides the optimal opportunity for residents to transition to a new life of fulfillment and purpose with the comfort and support they need. Contact us to learn more.
